About us

Our team first came together as students at Harvard Business School, where we realized we had the same problem: we were all living far away from our families and from where we grew up - some of us across the country, and some on a different continent altogether! We were eager to find a device that made it effortless to share special photos with our loved ones across the world ... and not just to their phones, but into a beautiful physical display that would live in their home. We were surprised to find that the product we wanted didn't exist, so we decided to create it. And thus Skylight was born, designed from the start to connect the digital and non-digital worlds, and to bring together families that might be many miles apart.

We believe Skylight will change the way families, friends, and organizations share their stories, and hope you love this product as much as we do! 


Our Moment of Fame on Kickstarter

Skylight came to life after a successful Kickstarter campaign that helped us connect with supporters and raise the funding needed to start production. We had the honor of being named a "Kickstarter Staff Pick", and the thrill of being able to raise $55K, almost twice the amount of our funding goal!

We are forever thankful for the support and words of encouragement we received during our campaign, and we continue to work hard to fulfill the mission of bringing treasured photos to loved ones around the world.

For those of you who didn't hear about us back them, check out the video that started our journey:


 Thank you so much again for checking out our product!

Ricardo, Michael and the Skylight Team